The Fergusson-Wood Photographic Trophy

Presented by Harry Fergusson-Wood in 1973 and awarded for the best photograph of a Club car or cars (preferably at a Club event), taken recently by a member and published in the Club magazine. Entries may be in colour or black and white on any medium. This trophy may not be awarded to the same person more than three times.

Bella Hoare2022
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd2021
Shadduck, Kimberly2020
Clarke, Tom2019
Shadduck, Kimberly2018
Elenbaas, Nanette2017
Mandragouras, Diane2016
Kennedy, John L2015
Fitzhugh, Henry2014
Hughes, Colin2013
Crossley Cooke, David and Elspeth2012
Forrest, Tim and Susie2011
Redmill, John2010
Redmill, John2009
Banks, Clayton and Helen2008
Hughes, Colin2007
Valentine, Jimmy and Janet2006
Hughes, Colin2005
Golding, Peter and Ann2004
Stuttard, John and Lesley2003
Dyas, Tony and Vivien2002
Hughes, Nigel and Ann2001
Stuttard, John and Lesley2000
Hughes, Nigel and Ann1999
Pilo, Jens and Anne1998
Pilo, Jens and Anne1996
Pilo, Jens and Anne1995
Flu-Martin, Stephanie1994
Flu-Martin, Stephanie1993
Pilo, Jens and Anne1992
Valentine, Jimmy and Janet1991
Jamieson, Lenox and Audrey1990
Pilo, Jens and Anne1989
Goodman, Brian and Mary1988
Squire, John and Barbara1987
Taylor, Sue1986
Kennedy, John and Rae1985
Wills, Digby1984
Not Awarded1983
Brua, Lynn1982
Hand, James1981
Not Awarded1980
Not Awarded1979
Not Awarded1978
Not Awarded1977
Heathcote, Anthony1976
Yates, Ivan1975
Not Awarded1974
Taylor, Philip1973