Roy O’Sullivan made an Honorary Member

As Tour Engineer on many 20-Ghost Club tours, Roy O’Sullivan has helped many Club members when their cars have failed to proceed. Always contactable, at the end of a mobile phone call or as “tail gunner” or “sweeper” in a Range Rover at the back of the pack, he can be guaranteed to rush to the scene of the incident and solve the problem in a matter of minutes. In the case of a major problem, this has resulted in many hours of dedicated, late night, effort. He has always enjoyed joining tour participants in visits to castles, palaces, museums and other attractions – and in the bar in the evenings. Nothing has been too much trouble and, in recognition of his assistance to Club members he has been awarded the Brian Wootton Trophy on three occasions: 2004 (after the Centenary Tour of France), 2012 (after the Baltic Tour) and 2014 (after the French Sunshine Tour). He has now been made an Honorary Member of the Club and received two kegs of Heineken beer at the end of the Iberian Tour of Northern Spain and Northern Portugal.