A Day of Fine Art in the Cotswolds

In September, 24 members of the 20-Ghost Club took advantage of the fine September weather to drive, in 12 pre-war Rolls-Royces, (and one interloping Bentley), to the Gloucestershire Cotswolds for an exceptional day of fine art.

Mirroring the success of the Irish Georgian weekends, the day was organised as a joint outing with the Worshipful Company of Glaziers & Painters of Glass, an ancient livery company of the City of London, of which 20-Ghost Club Chairman, Sir John Stuttard, is currently the Master.

So, just over 90 people arrived at the Bull Hotel in Fairford for a cup of coffee, before a 90 minute tour of the 15th century St Mary’s Church, Fairford. St Mary’s is very special in that it has the most remarkable set of 28 late medieval windows in the country. For over 20 years, a liveryman of the Glaziers, Keith Barley, has worked on the restoration of these windows and this work was completed in Summer 2010 when the windows were rededicated. Keith explained the unique nature and quality of these wonderful stained glass windows and how they had managed to survive over the years, withstanding the reformation and then the destruction under Cromwell.

Lunch was provided at the nearby home of a Past Master of the Glaziers Company. He and his wife had arranged for a marquee to be erected near the lake in the grounds of their home and the assembled company were treated to a most agreeable midday summer fare.

Members of the 20-Ghost Club kindly introduced liverymen of the Glaziers to the joys of pre-war motoring by offering rides in their cars both from Fairford to Lechlade and then onto Kelmscott after lunch to see the stunning 15th Kelmscott Manor. This was the summer home, the 1880s of William and Mary Morris and the third member of the ménage a trios, Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Kelmscott contains many examples of Pre-Raphaelite work – paintings by Rossetti, wallpapers and fabrics designed by Morris and an attractive garden in a delightful setting.

The day finished with afternoon tea in the garden and then a leisurely drive home – and for some the start of the weekend Gilbert & Sullivan tour planned in Derbyshire, where we stayed in Dovedale, near Ashbourne, visited a magnificent private Rolls-Royce car collection, attended a Gala performance by the Derby Gilbert & Sullivan Company at Chatsworth House and took advantage of the opportunity to tour in the magnificent Peak District countryside.